Your questions
- What is a bookplate?
- Read Anne Fine's explanation here.
- What does "non-commercial" mean?
- You mustn't be making money out of the bookplates. You can't print off bookplates to sell, even in a good cause!
This is because if any profit is to be made from the skills of the artists concerned, it should be going to them. The artists have donated the bookplates to be used only in non-profit contexts, and if you use them in any other way you will be infringing copyright laws. - I am a member of a PTA which likes to donate books to our school library. May we stick your bookplates into these books?
- Yes.
- I am a member of a PTA which likes to donate books to our school library. May we change the wording on your bookplates to say that we have donated them?
- Yes; and some of our bookplates use the words "donated by", so that all you have to do is add your name. (Find bookplates for donated books here.)
- What is the best way to stick a bookplate into a book?
- There is no overall "best" way, but assuming you have printed the bookplate onto plain paper, I'd suggest you use a glue stick. Pritt is the best-known brand and is available in many countries, but it's not the only product of this type. Take care that the glue does not go beyond the edges of the bookplate or you could end up sticking the pages of the book together.
- If you'd asked me the worst way the answer would have been easier. Since most inks used in ink-jet printers are water-based, using a water-based gum to stick your bookplate to the book will probably cause the colours to run.
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Last updated 27th January 2022