Choose your Bookplate
When there are so many lovely bookplates, how do you choose which one is right for your book? Here are some questions which will help you to decide:
Do you have a colour printer? In that case, take your pick from either just the colour plates or all the plates, colour as well as black and white.
No? Don't worry, we have some lovely black and white designs - plus some that are perfect for colouring in! Or you could print in black on coloured paper...
We've sorted these by size, so check your book to see what will fit best:
- Larger:
- for picture books, large hardback story books, and some poetry collections with pictures.
- Medium:
- for normal paperbacks and hardback novels, the ones that usually have a few pictures in them.
- Smaller:
- for small paperbacks which don't usually have illustration.
If you want to print bookplates for books you are giving to a library, we have some plates with the wording "This plate donated by..."
Sometimes you don't want to be formal and serious, though; perhaps you want bookplates to suit a book that makes you laugh?
Perhaps you are looking for a plate designed by your favourite artist, or one to match the illustrations in your book: you'll find a full list of all the artists on the site map.
Plates with pirates, plates with cats - or frogs, or dinosaurs or teddy bears - just keep looking, you never know what you'll find!
And keep visiting us, because new plates arrive all the time.
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Last updated 30th January 2022